Terms & Conditions
Effective Date: January 10, 2024


The Master of Disaster Pack is a collection of digital artwork non-fungible tokens (NFTs) comprised of, among other things, Delinquent Ducks, Knockout Kangaroos, Snneaky Snnakes and Clyde (each, a “Master of Disaster Pack NFT”) running on the Polygon network.
Master of Disaster Pack® encompasses the Master of Disaster Pack website, the names "Master of Disaster Pack", "Knockout Kangaroos" “Delinquent Ducks”, “Snneaky Snnakes”, “Clyde”, along with related assets, products, trademarks, logos, and designs and is the proprietary domain of The Master of Disaster Pack. Users and owners of Master of Disaster Pack NFTs are afforded a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license by The Master of Disaster Pack to utilize the website and its intellectual property for personal, non-commercial use. This license is limited and does not permit the reproduction, distribution, modification or creation of derivative works of The Master of Disaster Pack® and The Master of Disaster Pack® website's content. Additionally, it does not convey rights to any content produced by The Master of Disaster Pack or the The Master of Disaster Pack Community in association with The Master of Disaster Pack NFTs or related assets. The Master of Disaster Pack retains the authority to eliminate any content that infringes upon these terms or contravenes relevant laws and regulations, safeguarding the brand and its legal interests.
Users are entirely responsible for the safety and management of their own private Polygon wallets or Etherum wallets and validating all transactions and contracts generated by this website before approval. Furthermore, as the Master of Disaster Pack smart contract runs on the Polygon network, there is no ability to undo, reverse or restore any transactions.
This website and its connected services are provided “as is” and “as available” without warranty of any kind. By using this website you are accepting sole responsibility for any and all transactions involving the Master of Disaster Pack digital collectibles.


The Master of Disaster Pack project refers to the collection of digital artworks featuring a collection of Knockout Kangaroos NFTs, a collection of Delinquent Ducks NFTs, a collection of Snneaky Snnakes NFTs and Clyde as a 1/1 NFT. as well as the associated platform, services and intellectual property owned by the Master of Disaster Pack® team. Master of Disaster Pack® NFT refers to any individual art, design, drawing, model associated with a Master of Disaster Pack® NFT that you own in your Polygon wallet, with proof of ownership recorded on the blockchain. These NFTs have unique, individually layered art files and traits that contribute to their overall value. To own a Master of Disaster Pack® NFT means to possess it in your Polygon wallet, with proof of ownership recorded on the blockchain.

“Own” is defined as possession of a Master of Disaster Pack NFT in your Polygon wallet or Etherum wallet, where proof of such possession is recorded on the blockchain.

"Traits" are defined as the distinguishing characteristics and proprietary individually layered art files associated with each Master of Disaster Pack NFT. This includes but is not limited to e. g. eyes, glasses, headgear, background.

"Image/Model" refers to individual PNG, GIF and JPEG files, as well as all underlying files containing proprietary Master of Disaster Pack® traits. These files are used to create and customize Master of Disaster Pack® NFTs and are subject to intellectual property rights and ownership.

By using Master of Disaster Pack® you acknowledge that your NFTs and related addresses will be stored on publicly searchable blockchains. Master of Disaster Pack and third parties have no power to delete this data. You release and indemnify Master of Disaster Pack from any liability associated with data that you publish to public blockchains by using our platform. If you conduct any transaction on our platform involving public blockchains, you are effectively publishing that information and assume full responsibility for doing so.


The name and intellectual property involved in the Master of Disaster Pack project (“Master of Disaster Pack”) is owned by our team. All rights that are not specifically granted to the users and owners of a Master of Disaster Pack NFT below are reserved by the team. This includes but is not limited to the intellectual property rights surrounding the “Master of Disaster Pack” names, logos, layer files, trademarks, the website, the look and feel of the user interface, the smart contract code or anything else not specifically granted by any following licenses.

By holding a Master of Disaster Pack NFT in your Polygon wallet or Etherum wallet, you gain full and complete ownership of your specific NFT as well as the opportunity to utilize this NFT in minting or receiving subsequent opportunities available only to Master of Disaster Pack NFT holders. All NFTs ownership is verified cryptographically on the Polygon Blockchain. This is proof of ownership and grants rights within this document. Once the NFT leaves ownership, all personal and commercial use terms are revoked.

Subject to compliance with these terms, and to such matters as noted herein, including but not limited to applicable laws, regulations, jurisdictions, etc., Master of Disaster Pack® grants you a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, copy and display the Master of Disaster Pack NFTs that you own for purposes related to Master of Disaster Pack. While usage is generally granted worldwide (excepting prohibited regions), permitted uses of the NFTs are limited to the following: (I) Personal and non-commercial use, which includes displaying the Master of Disaster Pack NFTs that you own on your personal social media profiles or as part of a personal collection, (II) Display and usage of your NFT on external websites,(III) The ability to buy, sell, and trade your NFT on authorized platforms.

Commercial use: Use of the Master of Disaster Pack NFT licensed materials must be in full and in their entirety. Licensed use of Master of Disaster Pack must include the complete image/model and rights are reserved for any and all underlying image files including layered files for individual proprietary Master of Disaster Pack traits (e. g. glasses, headgear, etc.). These rights are reserved for the Master of Disaster Pack team and are expressly prohibited to be used outside of the full image/model. These individual layered files are proprietary and of Master of Disaster Pack's own creation.

Master of Disaster Pack expressly prohibits the use of any proprietary, individual traits or crafted layers in any and all other projects. Master of Disaster Pack also prohibits the sale or promotion of counterfeit NFTs or NFT collections. Counterfeit NFTs or collections contain art that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the original Master of Disaster Pack collection, including:
(I) NFTs described as knock off, replica, imitation, clone, faux, fake, mirror image, or similar terms when referring to an NFT or NFT Collection in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine Master of Disaster Pack creations. (II) Non-genuine products that mimic Master of Disaster Pack features or proprietary traits in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine Master of Disaster Pack creations.

Otherwise you are free to use your Master of Disaster Pack NFT in any commercial or derivative way that does not violate any laws or intellectual property rights.

However, users shall not use any Master of Disaster Pack Licensed Materials in any way, or in connection with any material, which is unlawful, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable or infringing upon any laws or regulations or intellectual property rights or proprietary rights or confidentiality obligations and you shall indemnify and defend Master of Disaster Pack against any claims, damages, proceedings, loss or costs arising from such use. User shall not use the Master of Disaster Pack Licensed Materials in any way that could be construed as being adverse or derogatory to the image of Master of Disaster Pack or any of its subjects.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights in and to Master of Disaster Pack® and related projects, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, graphics, images, animations, videos, text and Master of Disaster Pack® related content, narratives, stories, software and related projects and products are owned by Master of Disaster Pack and its licensors. You agree not to use any of these materials without the prior written consent of Master of Disaster Pack. You also agree not to register or attempt to register any trademarks, logos, or other proprietary materials that belong to Master of Disaster Pack or its licensors.

Not an investment instrument

The Master of Disaster Pack collections/NFTs/art pieces are just for fun. They were created as art pieces intended for people to enjoy by collecting. It is not at all an instrument for investment and absolutely does not give any recommendations on investing in NFTs, crypto currencies etc. or any other financial advice. The NFTs shown on this website are examples. The NFT you buy might have different attributes/traits.
Owning a NFT does not guarantee profits. NFTs are an emerging asset class that is still evolving. Always do your own research before making any decision to buy, sell or trade NFTs.


You can trade your NFTs on our own Master of Disaster Pack Marketplace. It is NOT possible to trade Master of Disaster Pack NFTs on OpenSea. By trying to buy or sell a Master of Disaster Pack NFT on OpenSea, you will receive an error and the transaction will not go through.


You are entirely and solely responsible for any tax liability which may arise from minting, selling or owning your Master of Disaster Pack NFTs.

Legal Age

The Master of Disaster Pack is not targeted towards children. You agree that you have reached or are above the legal age of your jurisdiction.

Subject to change

We may revise these terms from time to time, but the most current version will always be on masterofdisasterpack.com/terms. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. By continuing to access the Master of Disaster Pack website and by holding a Master of Disaster Pack NFT you agree to be bound by the current terms.
In the event of changes to the regulatory environment around digital assets and NFTs, Master of Disaster Pack® reserves the right to modify its policies and procedures to ensure compliance. However, Master of Disaster Pack® cannot guarantee that such assets will always comply with all regulatory requirements at all times and in all circumstances.